Filing Grievance

Problem Resolution 

Arion Care is committed to all employees, members, and guardians and strives to ensure fair and respectful treatment. We encourage communication of workplace and service provision problems and/or complaints and welcome positive and constructive criticism.  

If you disagree with Arion Care’s established rules of conduct, policies, or practices, we encourage you to express your concerns to your immediate supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable or it is inappropriate to contact them, present your concern to our Quality Assurance team at No employee, member, or guardian will be penalized for voicing a complaint with the company in a reasonable, business-like manner. 

Grievance Process

If you believe your problem and/or complaint was not sufficiently addressed or a condition of employment or a decision affecting you is unjust or inequitable, you may elevate those issues as a grievance.

Present the grievance to your supervisor after the incident occurs. If the supervisor is unavailable or it is inappropriate to contact them, you may present the problem to the Quality Assurance team at

Arion Care will investigate the situation by interviewing and consulting team members involved, when necessary, and notify the team of the conclusion.

Not every problem can always be resolved to everyone’s total satisfaction, but only through understanding and dialogue of mutual problems can employees and management develop confidence in each other. This confidence is important to the operation of an efficient and harmonious work environment.

Finding affordable, quality care can be difficult for anyone. We’re there for you at any stage of life or level of care.

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