Positive Parenting Program

What is Triple P?
The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is a parenting and family support system designed to prevent – as well as treat – behavioral and emotional problems in children and teenagers. It aims to prevent problems in the family, school and community before they arise and to create family environments that encourage children to realize their potential.

What does Triple P do?
Triple P provides a toolbox of ideas and strategies on how to optimize your efforts as a parent. The cohort is a 9 week program that includes training and 1:1 check-ins. Triple P allows the parent to choose what strategies they need and how to use them effectively
Triple P helps parents
- Raise happy, confident kids
- Manage misbehavior so everyone in the family enjoys life more
- Set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
- Encourage behavior you like
- Take care of yourself as a parent
- Feel confident you’re doing the right thing
Who is Triple P for?
Arion Care parents of children with a disability up to 12 years old.
What are the goals of Triple P?
- Put evidence-based parenting into the hands of parents across the world
- Normalize the concept of parenting programs so parents feel comfortable asking for help
- Provide the right amount of support a parent needs
- Give parents the confidence and skills to be self-sufficient and manage problems independently
- Provide communities with early intervention to prevent child abuse, mental illness and anti-social behavior.
The principles encourage parents to set their own parenting goals specific to with regards to beliefs and values. The Arion Care Support Team practice cultural awareness and sensitivity to support our diverse community.
Email our support team at tripleptraining@arioncare.com