BLOG Caring For You

With Easter swiftly approaching, it’s hard to believe that we are rounding into the second quarter of the year already. With COVID handing us the longest year of our lives in 2020, this one feels like it’s zooming by. At Arion Care, we want to make sure that you are finding time for self-care during this new season. Whether you are a client, a provider, or a family member of someone who receives our services, give yourself a mental health check, and find some time today to care for your body and mind.

Ask yourself these questions

  • When was the last time I was hit with some sunshine?
  • Do I like my outfit today? Why? Is it comfortable, new, and flattering?
  • What was the last thing I treated myself to?
  • What energizes me the most?
  • What drains me most?
  • When you know the answers to these questions, decide which one is the easiest to tackle, and go with it!

Do you need to go for a walk or have a picnic in the park? Or, if that’s too much, can you take a 5-minute quiet break and sit in the sunshine, soaking up some vitamin d? Do you need to change into something that makes you feel powerful? It doesn’t have to be a special occasion to look amazing. Is it time to order a new outfit just for yourself? With as many subscription services and discount stores online, you can find something affordable that fits.

Maybe it’s time for you to make a retail run. Whether you are a guy or a girl, I’ll bet there is something in that store that you didn’t know you needed that costs less than $10. You might need to get yourself a little gift. Or, if there isn’t time for that today, you could make a pit stop at Dutch Bros or Starbucks and try out a new drink. You may need to check out Facebook marketplace and see if someone is giving away something you want. If you know that time with friends and family with a board game is energizing, pencil it in or spontaneously make it happen. If you know that alone time fills you back up, make a library trip and carve out some time to sit down alone with a free book. When you are energized, it takes longer to get drained back down.

And of course, if you can minimize the more draining activities, that’s ideal, but if it’s not possible to cut those activities out, try to give yourself those physical or mental breaks. Play good music. Eat snacks. Drink your ice water out of a pretty bottle.
You got this.

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